Friday, 18 October 2013

What is The Talinz Project and why should I care?

So, time for a first blog post. Been planning this for a while, but only now, it seems, have I got round to finally putting my thoughts into action.

In short: the purpose of The Talinz Project is twofold. My goal is to post at least once a week on one of the following topics:

1) to track my thoughts and musings on game design, whilst I come in to learning all sorts of fancy new things about how to do it properly and share them with all of you.
2) to regularly release and potentially track and record the goings on in the world of the TALINZ PROJECT.

But James, I hear you cry, this Talinz Project is your blog, right? SO a blog that tracks the blog seems like recursion!

True enough, but the TALINZ PROJECT is one more thing. A high-action, high-investigation sports cop mecha RPG setting for Fate and Fate Accelerated Edition. Each TALINZ PROJECT post I hope will include a bit more lore about the world, a few more characters (Complete with appropriate stat blocks) and a bit more of the ongoing struggles facing the people of that world. In addition, since I will be constantly nursing this via this blog, I want people running campaigns to get in touch with me, tell them their session rundowns, and make the world move with the players, and around other campaigns.

The TALINZ PROJECT is a pretty ambitious endeavour, but I am hoping it will turn out alright. Expect 2 more posts shortly, one a brief overview of the setting, and one on Dice averages, to give an idea of the stuff I am planning to post later on in this blog's cycle!

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